Evidence based medicine continues to be one of the key factors in the decision-making process when choosing an implant system. ODEP ratings provide a great basis and insight into the efficacy of implant systems across orthopaedics.
In addition to this, new variants and designs that are proving their clinical value continue to move positively through the different rating levels.
Since knee implants were added to ODEP in 20141 manufacturers have used the ratings to benchmark their Knee systems at regular time points against an agreed set of standards. As part of this process, they submit their latest data twice annually in summer and in winter for knees.1
In the latest publication of ODEP ratings – updated January 2021 – the Persona® Partial Knee was awarded a 3A* ODEP rating, while the Persona® PS Cemented TKR, both with and without patella resurfacing, were awarded 5A ODEP ratings.
This link will take you to the latest ODEP ratings for Knees: https://www.odep.org.uk/products.aspx